The Project Manager Dimitra
I am totally convinced that everything in life is a Project! But few people have the knowledge and also the sense of how to manage projects.
Many argue that it is a purely technical work . But I vertically disagree! Soul, intuition and heart are needed in order someone to manage a project! Maybe it’s one of the most difficult roles that we all have to play in everyday live.
The journey to Eudaimonia, which I often cited and which is related to all aspects of our lives, is a huge project. If we really want to succeed, if we really want to change the world we live in – microcosm and macrocosm – for the better, we have to become very good Applied Project Managers!
Dimitra as an Applied Project Manager can help you to deal with your professional and your personal life as a set of projects. What you can do together through harmonious cooperation?
Αn Applied Project Manager by default can manage any project regardless of its scope. Labels and signs began to fall in! So you can assign to Dimitra to implement projects such as:
- Write down your projects
- Applied Project Management
- Implement your projects together
- Write down your ideas and implement them as projects
- Analyse your business needs and transform your company into a projectized one
- Get trained together
- Develop a PMO-Project Management Office
- Find out funding initiatives in order to promote your ideas
- Elaboration of Strategic Plan, Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Feasibility Study, Action Plan
- Elaboration of Market Research
- Writing of National/European/International Projects/Programs
- Development of a new enterprise focusing on innovation
- Development, Planning & Implementation of Training programs & Training material
- Development of Personal/Enterpise websites & blogs
- Creation of Presentations and infographics/posters
- Writing of Scientific and non scientific articles/papers, speeches, blogging
- Read Books for You!
- Organization of a(n) event/workshop
- Creation of a Botanic Garden, Environmental Educational Park