New Cooperation With the Organization Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV)
A new cooperation with the organization JKPEV starts! A co-operation that is added to the existing one, which has been running for 4 years and enhances it…
A new cooperation with the organization JKPEV starts! A co-operation that is added to the existing one, which has been running for 4 years and enhances it…
Educational Material “Spread the Word” Training Course The education material is provided under the following restrictions: You are only allowed to download this work and use it privately. You have no right to use it commercially or to change it. If you want to show a part of this work to others you must CREDIT…
Paralysis by Analysis! An expression well known and so real! Some days ago I had the opportunity to act as the main trainer of more than 20 creative people coming from various European countries and to share with them my experiential knowledge on Entrepreneurship and Creative Economy
In this blog post I refer to a project of non-formal education, which is going to take place in Thessaloniki (yes! Not in Athens!), from 25 to 30 of June, entitled “CrateiveLab”…
The Business first… The Product comes next During a meeting I had some time ago with a client of mine, we had a small discussion about the reality of Agrifood Sector in Greece. As a guest of the Detrop Exhibition which took place at Thessaloniki, he observed that there were several Greek companies that had…